The Online Seeker Business club provides a number of services that you can use and earn from as a member.
START: Sales Team And Recruitment Training
The Online Seeker Business Club trains persons
to sell, build sales teams, graphics, marketing & networking.
Students can become Virtual Officers & you earn as they learn.
EDGE: E-service Development Grows Earnings
E-services can be use by you or sold by you or by the Virtual Officer team.
The services include:
E books, Online ads, Websites, Training, Online services, Graphics and more, you just recommend colleagues.
REACH: Recommended Enhanced Ads & Community Help
Ads are enhanced with Virtual Officer calls, surveys & rewards.
The ads can be edited with posters, photos, links, forms, videos, flyers & competitions.
The ads are used to help the community.
VOICE: Virtual Officers Improving Customer Engagement
Virtual Officers call customers, advertise, survey, reward, sell & you earn.
IMPACT: Internet Monitoring Profits, Ads & Customer Trends
Use internet access to track surveys, competitions, rewards & your earnings.
CASH: Customer And Service Help
Discount Vouchers help customers to recommend & shop with recommended businesses,
whilst helping businesses to sell
& you earn as businesses reward customers.
EARN: Establishing And Recruiting Networks
Earn as the Virtual Officers build your network.